They may not be able to fly, but ostriches have proven once and for all that their powerful legs are not just for show during a hilarious race held in New Orleans on Saturday.
The feathered racers and their jockeys took center stage at the New Orleans Fair Grounds Race Course & Slots Track during the fifth annual Quarter Horse Race.
Among the winged competitors were 'Feather Duster,’ 'I'll Hatch Another,' 'Nom De Plumage,' and 'She's Got Legs,' but it was 'Don't Call Me Emu' ridden by jockey Jeff Jerman that raced to victory on Saturday, according to the Pacific Coast News.

The unusual contest that sent hearts aflutter on the Fair Ground stands was held as part of a 12-day equestrian event for quarter horses – a unique breed of animals noted for their smaller stature that specialize in sprinting short distances, the NOLA Defender reported.
All of the jockeys who had ridden horses throughout the afternoon on Saturday opted for an emu-sing end of the day show and proved they could ride anything by mounting ostriches.
Organizers of the annual quarter horse race, which opened on August 15, brought o

Although the ostrich is the largest and heaviest living bird, do not be fooled by its less than statuesque figure: the critter was born to run.
According to information from the San Diego Zoo, the ostrich’s long, thick, and powerful legs can cover great distances without much effort, and its feet have only two toes for greater speed.
Ostriches can sprint in short bursts up to 43 miles per hour, and they can maintain a steady speed of 31 miles per hour.

source: dailymail