When it comes to surfing - this goat is no kid.
Goatee loves the water so much she has been riding the waves like a pro at Pismo Beach in California. The four-legged water baby is often seen balancing on a surfboard as she catches the waves to glide effortlessly on to the beach - much to the delight of sunbathers.
With safety a number one priority she always dons a fetching yellow life-jacket.
Owner Dayna McGregor, who took Goatee surfing to celebrate his birthday recently, said: 'She did pretty well, she got up on a couple of waves. I say got up - we put her on a couple of waves.

'She was pretty successful.'
Mr McGregor helped Goatee on to the board and beamed with pride as she rode the surf to the shore using her four legs to balance.
The soggy beach bum didn't look at all phased by the wet and wild experience - even sharing a hug with Mr McGregor at the end of the afternoon.
Mr McGregor bought Goatee to eat weeds in his garden but soon became fond of her and kept her as a pet. The pair now share a special bond. And, after realising her watery talents Goatee, now two, has become an internet sensation.

As well as surfing, she accompanies Mr McGregor almost everywhere - to the shops, in a trailer attached to the back of his bike, shopping and even nights out.
But he said fame hasn't gone to her head.
He said: 'You know it hasn't gotten to her head yet. She doesn't even know it and that's probably a good thing.'

source: dailymail