Busy city dual carriageway brought to a standstill
Birds eventually lifted out of the traffic as drivers get angry
How does the swan cross the dual carriageway? Answer: very, very carefully and very, very slowly.
This family of swans brought traffic to a standstill when they decided to take a short cut across a main city centre road.
And despite wellwishers trying to lure mum, dad and their five cygnets across the busy road to safety they steadfastly refused to budge halfway into their crossing, sparking traffic mayhem.

The fluffy family made their way across the busy B4148 after they decided to relocate from Plantsbrook Nature Reserve to Pype Hayes Park.
But instead of making a beeline for their new home they stopped on the tarmac several times before moving on to the central reservation at Eachelhurst Road.
It was only after they had kept the traffic waiting for them to waddle on that passers-by were forced to take matters into their own hands.

Sandra Lee, 63, and her husband Michael, 71, of Erdington, Birmingham, tried to lure the birds across the road with bread and said drivers became frustrated and annoyed by the mounting delay.
Traffic was at a standstill on both lanes for more than ten minutes while the birds were encouraged to move.
Sandra said: 'We discovered the swans on the edge of the pavement. At first it looked like just the two of them but when the mother moved slightly, the babies came out from under her feathers.

source: dailymail