It's a frog eat frog world out there! Giant amphibian devours his smaller companion


Bullfrogs don't mess about when they're hungry - and even cannibalism isn't ruled out.

This huge chap appeared out of a swimming pool duct in Maryland, USA, with a pair of legs sticking out of his mouth that quite clearly belonged to one of his cousins.

Husband and wife Tad and Karen Bacon saw the greedy amphibian swallowing a smaller member of his species while cleaning their pool.

And they quickly managed to capture the bizarre sight on camera before the bullfrog jumped back into the water to devour the rest of his meal.

Karen, 50, said: 'I heard my husband screaming 'Get your camera, you are not going to believe this!'

'When I go over to him I was stunned by what I saw. It made me a bit squeamish and totally fascinated at the same time. I still have a hard time looking at the picture.
'All I kept thinking was how did he get something that large in his mouth.

'I was only able to get off a few shots before he jumped into the bottom of the pool.'

source: dailymail