This incredible picture shows how a lovers tiff between two sparrows ended abruptly when the male bird rudely took matters into his own claws and clamped his female friend's beak shut.
Bird watcher Urs Schmidli spent hours crouched in his garden trying to capture the perfect picture, but could not believe how the male bird managed to stop the squawking of his flighty friend.
Postman Schmidli, 55, from Switzerland said he studied the sparrows in his garden for a month before he began taking pictures.
'Sparrows mainly have little squabbles over food.
'But in this one shot it really looked like the darker male had just had enough of a nearby female's cheeping and decided to try and quieten the din down.'

Other magic moments of sparrows frozen in time by Mr Schmidli are piggy-backs and perfectly synchronised threat-displays between birds using their wings to see each other off.
In other pictures the full stunning patterns in the birds' wings are shown off - captured in all their beauty by perfect pictures.
Mr Urs said he has only been trying photography for one year: 'I saw some great encounters between the birds. I had a feeling that there were some things going on that were too fast for the human eye, so I decided to take a closer look with a camera.
'I'm really glad I did as it has let me look at what is normally hidden in the bird's speed.'

source: dailymail