Visit Panda in Memphis zoo, Tennessee

13. Memphis Zoo, Memphis, Tennessee

Home of Ya Ya (F) and Le Le (M)

Ya Ya (F)
Birth date: August 3, 2000

Which means 'beautiful little girl'. She was born at the Beijing Zoo, Beijing, China. Arrived in Memphis along with her partner Le Le on April of 2003.She was hand raised as opposed to being raised by her mother. Ya Ya is considered by her keepers to be a regular ham, loves attention and is very vocal in expressing herself when she wants something. Her ears are rather pointed at the top and the fur does not grow right up to the area around her eyes leaving a small ring of dark skin.

Le Le the male giant panda
Birth date: July 18, 1998

Le Le is pronounced as luh luh and means 'happy happy'. He was born in the Chonqguing Zoo, Chongquing, China. Le Le was mother raised. He is very playful around his keepers, but for the most part his favorite past time is eating bamboo. He has a very round face, with round ears.Both pandas were quarantined for several weeks upon arriving at the Memphis zoo.