At first, he wasn't so sure.
But Hua Ao the giant panda now seems to appreciate the benefits of a good hosing down on a baking hot day.
Last week, Hua Ao found the experience a little too bracing, raising his paw to block the stream of water and at one point losing his footing as he fought to avoid the firing line. The panda also tried to hide behind a wooden platform, peeking out to see what's coming his way next.
But yesterday, the playful bear appeared to be having a lot more fun as temperatures at Yantai Zoo in eastern China reached a sweltering 32.3C.
He was pictured this time swinging in and out of the water on the same platform and bounding across the grass as the spray came towards him. His mate, Qing Feng, also joined in the action.

Giant pandas are solitary bears when in the wild, usually preferring their own company when foraging in Chinese bamboo forests.
They are an endangered species, with less than 2,000 thought to be left roaming free in the cool forests that are their natural habitat.
They mostly eat bamboo, but in captivity are also enjoy being fed honey, eggs, fish, yams, leaves, oranges, bananas and other special treats.

source: dailymail