Yabbra the koala spends around 22 hours a day asleep, but when he does wake up - the corridors of Edinburgh Zoo are his playground.
In this adorable YouTube video, the inquisitive furry animal is caught on camera at Edinburgh Zoo.
The clip shows Yabbra, who was born in 2005, exploring the halls of the zoo although he does seem a bit cautious at first.

Yabbra's name is Aboriginal for 'the fugitive,' as he kept popping out of his mother’s pouch at a very early age
His other playmate is Goonaroo whose name is Aboriginal for 'wood duck' and is a year younger.
The zoo feed the pair five different species of eucalyptus every day.
As eucalyptus leaves provide very little energy, koalas spend around twenty-one hours asleep and only wake up for short periods of time throughout the day.
Edinburgh Zoo says it is a myth that koalas become drugged from eating eucalyptus – it simply does not provide them with enough energy to maintain their body functions and be continually active.

Edinburgh Zoo is the only collection in the UK to house koalas, and is part of the European breeding programme.
They are the European male holding facility, which means they house male koalas that are too young to be active within the breeding programme and older animals that have successfully bred and are now at 'retrial' age.
According to National Geographic, more than four-fifths of original koala habitat has been destroyed across the world.

source: dailymail