What a gent! Generous bird catches his dinner, but offers it to a female friend


Got to be quick: The pair were sitting on a branch, when a small creature flew past. Realising his female companion was looking in the other direction, the crafty bird managed to catch a snack

A European bee eater bird gave his female companion the ultimate gift - his catch of prey. The colorful pair were perching on a branch in Tivon, Israel, when a small creature flew past. Realising his companion was looking in the other direction, the crafty bird managed to catch a snack.

Generous: When he offered her the gift, she didn't see it at first, but when the female turned her head, she found him offering her the small winged creature

Time to eat: After a seconds hesitation, she decided to accept his offering and quickly took the prey from his beak

But feeling generous he decided to offer it to her and when she turned her head, she found him close with the small winged creature in his beak.
After a few seconds hesitation, she accepted his kind offering and quickly took the prey from his beak. He was quite content to watch her enjoy his catch.

Dinner for one: The male bird was quite content to watch his companion eat his gift

In order to catch its prey, the bee eater is an agile and skilful flyer and their diet as their name suggests, includes flying insects such as bees and wasp - it is said to eat about 250 bees daily.
Once their prey is caught, it is taken to a favourite perch and the sting actively removed.
An RSPB spokesperson Tom Waters said ' The picture is a European Bee-eater, possibly called a Golden Bee-eater in Israel.'

source: dailymail