Puppy beaten and left for dead in wheelie bin saved by boxer dog who heard whimpering


Hitting it off: Duke the boxer dog, right, helped rescue Earl the terrier after he was dumped in a wheelie bin with horrific injuries

A puppy with horrific injuries was left for dead after being dumped in an industrial wheelie bin and buried under heavy bags.

The four-month-old Staffordshire bull terrier, named Earl by the couple who rescued him, had either been beaten up or hit by a car before being tossed into the large metal container in Congleton in Cheshire East.

The pup had a broken leg and one of his eyes had come out of its socket.

Still suffering: Earl's eye has been sewn shut to help it heal but it may yet have to be removed after he was dumped and left to die in the industrial wheelie bin, right

Earl might never have survived had it not been for boxer dog Duke, who was inside a car that had pulled up in a nearby car park.

Duke's owner Jane Walsh, 39, let him out of the vehicle and he trotted straight over to the bin.

When Miss Walsh walked over to the bin she heard whimpering coming from inside.

'I lifted the lid and saw something move,' she said.

'I thought it must be a rat at first and put the lid down.

'Then I opened it again and saw this huge, swollen and bloody eye on a tiny face.'

To the rescue: Jane Walsh called her partner to help rescue Earl, who she heard whimpering in the bin

As Miss Walsh couldn't reach into the four-feet high bin to rescue him, she rang her partner Shaun Wood for help.

'She was all tearful and I tried to calm her down,' said Mr Wood, 41, a joiner.

'Then I shot over as quickly as I could. I was flabbergasted when I looked in the bin and saw this face looking up at me.

'I managed to haul myself into the bin carefully, so as not to frighten the dog. I got him out and took him to the vets.

'How anybody could have done this to him, I don't know. It looked like somebody had given the puppy a kicking.

'It's got to be the cruellest thing I've ever seen.'

The pup was found on Monday morning, near to Park Lane in Congleton.

Earl is now recovering at Blue House Veterinary Centre, in Biddulph, where he has undergone surgery.

His eye has been stitched shut temporarily to help it heal, although it may have to be removed if it doesn't improve.

Miss Walsh and Mr Wood took four-year-old Duke along to meet Earl at the vets and after the dogs hit it off they now plan to adopt the puppy so they can give him a loving home.

Mr Wood said: 'If it hadn't been for Duke, we may never have found the puppy. He's the hero. He saved the day.'

Kay Abbott, a partner at the veterinary practice, said: 'Whether the dog had been hit or kicked, I don't know. But it had suffered trauma.

'It had been dumped in the bin deliberately and left to die.'
The RSPCA is now investigating the case.

source: dailymail