The blind dog who needs a new home... and he comes with his own guide dog


Leading the way: Zac, right, and his guide dog Lilli are looking for a new home

When ten-year-old Zac went blind his companion Lilli stepped in to prove that a dog’s best friend is ... another dog.

Now Zac, who had his eyes removed five years ago, relies on his fellow Jack Russell terrier to guide him everywhere.

He stays inches from her side on walks, and she lets him rest his head on her when he becomes tired or disorientated.

Inseparable: Zac, left, lost his eyes after an infection and now relies on fellow terrier Lilli to be his guide dog

The pair have been inseparable since they were taken in as stray pups a decade ago, and when an eye infection cost Zac his sight, Lilli became his guide dog.

The pair’s owner has moved abroad and they are seeking a new home. Sarah Bussell, of the Blue Cross charity in Tiverton, Devon, said Zac would be lost without Lilli, and the dogs had to be re-homed together.

She said: ‘'They are totally inseparable and seem to have an almost telepathic understanding, which is quite amazing to see.

Affectionate chap: Zac likes attention

'Zak sniffs and smells Lilli and stays close to her so he can tell which way to go when they are out and about.

'She provides reassurance for him and actually physically guides him by nudging him in the right direction when he loses his way. Lilli stays by his side all the time and is very patient.

Team terrier: Blue Cross workers Carly Jarman and Rachel Sirdefield with Zac and Lilli. Staff say the two dogs share a 'telepathic understanding'

'His new owner would need to be aware not to move things around so that Zac can have a clear route around the house and he'd need to be on a lead when he goes on walks.

'In return Zac and Lilli would be such a rewarding companions and give lots of affection to whoever adopts them.'

If you can offer Zac and Lilli a good home, contact the Blue Cross on 01884 855291.

source: dailymail