At last – Larry the Downing St cat catches his first mouse


Larry, the Downing Street cat, was seen climbing through the window from the garden with a mouse in his mouth on Friday

He took his time but at last Larry the Downing Street cat has earned his money – and caught a mouse.

Larry was recruited to No 10 in February in an effort to deal with its rodent problem.

And while the four-year-old tabby rapidly won the affections of David and Samantha Cameron – and particularly their children – he appeared to lack the killer instinct.

Week after week went by with no sign of any dead rats, mice or indeed anything, birds included.

Samantha Cameron's sketch of Larry eyeing his quarry outside the door of No 10. She did the drawing for the Winnicott Trust

However, all that changed on Friday when Larry was seen climbing in through a window from the Downing Street garden with a mouse in his mouth.

Seemingly happy to announce mission accomplished Larry dropped his briefly twitching catch at the feet of No 10’s ‘garden girl’ secretaries.

There were one or two squeals before the cat’s good work was recognised. Larry was smothered with pats of congratulation from staff, mainly in the hope that it would spur him on to greater deeds, and catch some of the black rats seen scuttling across the lawn.

source: dailymail