This week Mail Online introduced you to the house in Swansea that looks like Hitler, and now we give you the cats that look like the Nazi dictator.
These hilarious photographs show moggies with striking resemblances to Adolf Hitler.
Their white faces have black markings just below their noses just like Hitler's and even the fur on the top of their heads mimics the slanted side parting sported by the WWII German leader.

The house in Swansea that looks like Hitler became a Twitter sensation after comedian Jimmy Carr picked up a post by 22-year-old, Charli Dickenson.
The owner of the end-of-terrace in Port Tenant is said to be baffled by all the attention while neighbours are seeing the funny side.
The cats have been compiled from photographs on a website dedicated to cats that look like Hitler, simply called catsthatlooklikehitler.com.

source: dailymail