Look at the spa-rring macaques! Tempers boil over in the monkey hot tub

By Daily Mail Reporter

Stand-off: The pair of female macaques eyeball each other in a dispute over the best place in the hot spring

If looks could kill, both these monkeys would be dead and gone.

The pair of female macaques launched an angry stand-off over the question of who should have the best seat at a hot spring.

First they had a staring match. Then it was into battle, which mostly involves screams and shrieks although teeth can be involved.

Finally, with dominance established, the victorious party danced in triumph as the vanquished one moved slowly and shamefully away.

The encounter was filmed at a health spa known as Hell's Valley, near Nagano in Japan.

Flashpoint: The angry pair wrestle for supremacy but it's headed one way

Victory jig: The winner celebrates as her opponent skulks away, leaving her with pride of place in the spring

Some years ago the wild macaques started to copy the human visitors who enjoyed the hot springs and now they have become a fixture.

RSPCA chief photographer Andrew Forsyth, who took the pictures said: 'The hot bath is at the centre of the troop's territory and the most dominant females gather here to relax.

'Because it's such an attraction it can cause tension when lower-ranking animals try to get a corner of the bath.'

source: dailymail