How footsore labrador Nero was carried to safety by THREE mountain rescuers after getting stuck up Snowdonian mountain

By Daily Mail Reporter

It's a dog's life: Andy Cornford of Ogwen Valley mountain rescue carries an exhausted-looking Nero down the mountain

When Nero the black labrador got doggone tired on a walk with his owner, he made the descent down a 3,000-foot Snowdonia slope in style.

Three mountain rescuers took turns to carry the 30-kilogram dog, who enjoyed the kind of comfortable, effortless journey his namesake the Roman emporor would have enjoyed.

Nero, aged 10, was on an expedition with his owner Alex in the Ogwen Valley on Saturday when the pair got into trouble and had to call mountain rescuers.

They had walked through Cwm Idwal and through the Devil's Kitchen onto Y Garn, when Nero began to feel the effects of the warm day and the hard surface beneath his feet.

Three members of Ogwen Valley mountain rescue team took it in turns to carry the dog back down the mountain.

Spokesman Chris Lloyd said Nero was suffering with 'raw pads and failing back legs'.

'Alex was assisted by several passers-by who noticed the dog was in distress and having aborted their proposed route over Glyder Fach they progressed down y Gribin,' he said.

'The descent starts with a steep and time consuming scramble and Alex quickly realised she needed help. She and dialled 999 and asked for Mountain Rescue round about 2pm.

'A party of four team members were sent to her location carrying with them a pack frame and large zipped bag.

'Initially, Nero was placed in the bag and strapped to the pack frame. He was then carried down as if on a small stretcher.

Painful journey: Nero's paw pads became sore and his back legs started to fail after the mammoth climb

'But there was concern that he might be overheating in the bag, so it was decided that faster progress would be made by carrying Nero over team members' shoulders.

'Three of us took it in turns carrying the dog while the fourth escorted Alex off the mountain.'

Alex, from Chester, was pleased to be re-united with Nero at the team base at Bryn Poeth where he had arrived a few minutes earlier.

Mr Lloyd added this year is proving to be as busy for the mountain rescue team as last year.

'It was the busiest ever year for the Ogwen team last year with 133 call outs in all. At the moment we're about par with last year. The dog rescue was the 48th of the year and the fourth call out this week. Two were to walkers lost in dense cloud on Glyder Fach,' he said.

source: dailymail