If you were unfortunate enough to be considered prey by a golden eagle, this is probably the last thing you would ever see.
Its eyes intense and focussed, it's massive wings folded back for maximum velocity, and its powerful talons spread in anticipation, the bird's dive for dinner is one of nature's most fearsome predatory displays.
The golden eagle - or aquila chrysaetos, to give it its fancy name - drops from the sky at the speed of a small airplane to snatch its unsuspecting prey from the ground.

Known as the 'king of the birds', golden eagles are at the very top of their particular food chain - the perfect hunters who very rarely find themselves being hunted.
Normally dark brown in colour, with a lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks, the birds boast an impressive average wingspan of over more than seven feet.
They use this to hover high in the sky, riding the thermals, until their extra keen eyesight catches a glimpse of prey on the ground - namely rabbits, marmots, and ground squirrels.

Then the massive wings pull in to form an aerodynamic arrow as the birds literally fall on their meal.
Using subtle wing movements to direct their silent descent, the birds can reach speeds of up to 150mph before ploughing into their often oblivious victims.
These incredible wildlife shots were taken in the Canyon del Ebro y Rudron, Castilla y Leon, Spain

source: dailymail