Not so fantastic Mr Fox! Curious cub gets head wedged in watering can

By Daily Mail Reporter

Help! This four-week-old fox cub got his head stuck in a watering can as he investigated a garden

This little fox cub got more than he bargained for when he investigated a garden watering can - and got his head stuck.

The four-week-old cub was exploring a family's garden when he poked his head into the tiny can.

As the fox realised he was stuck, he became distressed and began to tear around the garden, bumping into objects while whimpering.

Free at last: Staff at an animal rescue centre managed to prise the cub's head out. He was healthy but salivating heavily due to hunger

The family who owned the garden, in West Horsley, near Leatherhead, Surrey, heard the fox's cries for help at around 6pm on Tuesday evening and found him him near their shed.

After unsuccessfully trying to remove him from the container they called their local animal rescue centre.

Six hours later, at about midnight, they drove the cub, who has since been named Jacob, to Wildlife Aid, in Leatherhead.

Founding trustee of the centre, Simon Cowell, 58, spent 20 minutes trying to free him from the can.

Simon, who set up the centre 30 years ago, managed to keep him calm while he gently prised his head from the metal can.
The cub was unharmed.

Rescued: Simon Cowell from Wildlife Aid spent 20 minutes trying to free the cub. He and his staff are now trying to find the animal's mother, so the pair can be reunited

Mr Cowell said: 'Animals get into the most absurd situations and at this time of year there are a few orphans walking about who get in a bit of trouble.

'We had to move quite quickly when he was brought in because if he had been in there much longer he would have died.

'Jacob was obviously quite distressed but I've done this kind of thing quite a bit and we calmed him down.

'I very gently and slowly slid his head out. When he came out he was absolutely fine, the metal hadn't cut into him and he was just salivating a bit because he was very hungry.

'He has been given a clean bill of health and we're now just trying to track down the mother so they can be reunited.'

source: dailymail