It was not quite the Rumble in the Jungle.
More the Brawl on the Lawn. But this feisty squirrel put up a fight Muhammed Ali would have been proud of when a pigeon tried to steal his nuts.
Rearing up on his hind legs, he lashed out with both front paws at his startled opponent, who promptly flew off, feathers ruffled.
Having proved himself a member of the Tough-ty club, the grey squirrel then carried on chomping away on the spoils of his victory.
The fight was captured by photographer Simon Dack in his garden in Brighton.
Impressed by the rodent’s boxing display, he has nicknamed him Squirrel Putemupkins.
He said: ‘Perhaps he’s the boisterous big brother of Beatrix Potter’s Squirrel Nutkin.’

Grey squirrels were imported to Britain in the 1870s to adorn gardens.
Within decades they had invaded much of England.
Greys are larger and more aggressive than Britain’s native reds, which they have largely driven out.
Greys also have a bad reputation for stealing food from bird tables, so perhaps the hapless pigeon was trying to get his own back.
source :dailymail