Gorillas in the midst of grieving: London Zoo's three lonely 'wives' mourn the loss of their mate

By Daily Mail Reporter

Forlorn: Effie (above) along with Mjukuu (below left) and Zaire clearly miss their 'husband' Yeboah, who has died. They had known him only a few weeks at their home in London Zoo

The reaction was a very human one. The three females sat apart, making no eye contact, sometimes staring at the ground for minutes on end.

During breaks in the rain, they got up and mooched around forlornly, mourning their lost mate.

They had known Yeboah for only a few weeks. But the sudden death of the western lowland gorilla has clearly had a great impact on his 'wives'.

It is also a tragedy for London Zoo. Yeboah was 12 and this is the second time in less than two years that it has lost a young male gorilla to unexpected illness.

In December 2008, Bobby - a 25-year-old silverback - was found dead in his nest after a heart attack.

The average lifespan of a gorilla in captivity is between 35 and 45 years.

Yeboah, who weighed 20 stone, had been brought over from France in November to breed with the zoo's three females.

After months of gradual introductions, from the start of March he was allowed to live full-time with his new mates - Effie, 16, Zaire, 35, and 11-year-old Mjukuu - in the £5.3million Gorilla Kingdom enclosure.

Missed: 12-year-old Yeboah died shortly after being brought over from France in November to breed with London Zoo's three female gorillas
His death has devastated his keepers, who insisted he was 'healthy, happy and enjoying his new life'.

Zoological director David Field said there was no evidence that Yeboah was suffering from stress after his move to Britain.

'He had settled so incredibly well and he was getting on with all the girls superbly,' he said.

'I'm 100 per cent positive it was not caused by stress. He was a fit gorilla. He was a strong lad and we were really pleased with him. That's why his demise was such a shock and a blow.'

Two weeks ago tests revealed high levels of blood sugar and he was kept under observation by vets who adjusted his diet.

At first he improved but then his condition worsened and his heart rate dropped.

Despite attempts to resuscitate him, he died last Thursday. The zoo is now waiting for the results of a post-mortem examination.

It could be many months before the zoo is allowed a replacement under the gorilla breeding programme - leaving Effie, Zaire and Mjukuu facing a lonely wait for a new mate.

source: dailymail