Let's p-p-pose for a photo: Penguin couple cuddle up to make the perfect picture

By Daily Mail Reporter

Just like us: Two Humboldt penguins pose for the camera at Chester zoo

Just like humans, this pair of penguins wanted to look their best when a visitor took out his camera at Chester zoo.

The Humboldt penguins - which are known to often mate for life - caught the eye of Adam Foster as they stood grooming one another.

As he approached for take the picture, the birds almost appeared to know what was coming.

The penguins adjusted one another's feathers before lining up to give Adam their best pose.

Web developer Adam, 23, from Manchester, was visiting Chester Zoo last month when he noticed the birds and decided to take some pictures.

He said it was uncanny what happened next.

Intimate: The two Humboldt penguins, which often pair up for life, patiently preen each other for the photograph

He said: 'When I looked back at the pictures it was hilarious, it looked just like a human couple adjusting themselves for a photograph.

'It was very cold and late in the day and the zoo was all but empty as I approached the Humboldt penguin enclosure.

'I was drawn to a male and female who appeared to be very intimate; they were really close together and looked to be petting or cleaning each other.

'As I got closer to them I stopped to compose a shot and they were busy fidgeting and preening one another.

'Then just like that they both turned to look straight at me, it was like they were getting ready for me to take their best picture just like a couple.

'It pretty much made my day and I later found out that most Humboldt penguin pairs remain faithful to each other for years.

'They rarely choose new partners unless one of them dies, and they often return to the same site to breed year after year.

'I like to think these two are lifelong lovers maybe we could learn a lot about relationships from these feathery, faithful birds.

'They seemed perfectly in tune with one another.'

source: dailymail