How the little piggy who couldn't walk was saved from the chop

By Mail Foreign Service

This little piggy... The mother pig rubs noses with her newborn who was born unable to walk

He was definitely the runt of the litter.

Crippled from birth, the little piglet squealed in frustration as he tried - and failed - to keep up with his agile brothers and sisters.

The farmer who tended to the herd was about to put the animal out of his misery but decided at the last moment to spare him.

Miraculously, within weeks, the piglet had made a complete recovery and was able to rejoin the rest of the litter.

Runt: The piglet falls on its back legs as its siblings learn to stand

Amanda Kopp, whose in-laws own the farm, witnessed the remarkable turnaround.

She described how the piglet's mother refused to give up on her newborn, tenderly rubbing her nose against his and nudging him to try again.

Every time the piglet's hind legs gave way and he collapsed to the ground she encouraged him to try again - at one stage even picking him up in her mouth and placing him on his feet.

Mrs Kopp, 25, said: ‘It was very emotional for me to see the little pig struggle because he just kept trying so hard and he was squealing in frustration

Feeding time: But the piglet is unable to walk to its mother for food

‘The mother pig seemed very aware of the situation and was grunting very loudly, almost as if she were telling him, “Get up, you can do it”.

‘She was nudging him with her nose, and even picked him up gently in her mouth to move him, anything she could do to get him to move around.’

Mrs Kopp said the farmer was planning to put the animal down as it was struggling to fight its way past its 19 siblings to the food that was put out for them.
But instead he let a group of local youngsters tend to it.

She said: ‘On a whim he decided to let a few of the kids take care of the piglet.

‘They learned how to feed him by hand and the little crippled piglet grew strong and his legs healed.

‘Incredibly, he was soon able to run and play just like his brothers and sisters.’

The farm in Swaziland, Africa, provides a self-sustainable home for young orphaned children and helps them with their education.

Mrs Kopp, from Denver, Colorado, USA, added: ‘It was a beautiful experience for the children who have faced such tragedies in their lives

source: dailymail