Clinging on for dear life, this super-sized squirrel attempts to steal nuts from a bird feeder.
But, because of his extra pounds, he plummets to the ground unfed.
The rotund rodent spends hours every day attempting to conquer a back garden obstacle course, but to no avail – because he’s too fat, barely able to balance on a branch.
Even when he manages to get a nibble, his hulking frame means he can’t hold on for long enough to enjoy a good feed.
James Phelps, who set up the feeders in his back garden in Michigan, U.S., said: ‘They get a lot of food around here - they are very fat indeed.
‘They struggle to get on the feeders and stay there while they eat - it's pretty funny to watch.
‘This one just tried to scramble up but couldn't get a good grip on the wire and fell off pretty hard.
‘But they're very determined and would never let it beat them.’
Phelps, a 50-year-old father of two, added the fox squirrels, which usually weigh up to 2.2lbs, are ‘incredibly friendly’.
‘Once in a while I like to change where I hang the feeders to make them work a little harder for their dinner,’ he said.
‘Sometimes it will take them a day or so to figure it out, but they always get there in the end.’
The fox is the largest squirrel native to America measuring up to 27 inches long.
They survive on a diet of tree seeds as well as buds, fruits, cultivated grain, insects, birds' eggs, lizards and small snakes.

source: dailymail