International Animal Rights Day

Animal rights activists from Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality) hold up some 100 animal carcasses in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square to protest the treatment of animals and draw attention to the upcoming International Animal Rights Day, which organisers say has been celebrated alongside the International Human Rights Day, December 6, 2009.

Animal rights activists from Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality) hold up some 100 dead animal carcasses in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square to protest against the treatment of animals and to draw attention to the upcoming International Animal Rights Day which organisers say has been celebrated alongside International Human Rights Day, December 6, 2009.

Animal rights activists from Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality) hold up some 100 dead animal carcasses in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square to protest the treatment of animals and draw attention to the upcoming International Animal Rights Day, which organisers say has been celebrated alongside the International Human Rights Day, December 6, 2009.

An animal rights activist from Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality) holds up a dead piglet, joining other activists in holding up some 100 animal carcasses in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square to protest the treatment of animals and draw attention to the upcoming International Animal Rights Day, which organisers say has been celebrated alongside the International Human Rights Day, December 6, 2009.

photo: Reuters