Knock, knock … who's there?

In the comfort and security of their car, a British couple thought there was nothing to worry about as they drove through a South African safari park – until a lion calmly opened their back door with his teeth.

The lion may have appeared wild, but it had clearly learnt one or two things about cars after years of watching curious visitors drive past.

As the white Toyota came to a halt in the Lion Safari Park in Johannesburg, it slowly padded over while the family inside watched in excitement, unaware of what was about to happen.

Their glee turned to horror as the 136-kilogram lion firmly took the rear door handle with his teeth and pulled it open in one deft movement.

For several seconds the car remained still while the occupants digested the shock of what had happened before finally hitting the accelerator and driving off.

As they fled, the lion followed in pursuit until it reached the gates of the enclosure. There it was finally held back by a warden who hurled rocks to drive it away.

"They must have been panicking because they didn't drive off straight away," said Richard Holden, another British tourist who was behind the couple and photographed the incident."If that had been me, I would have hit the gas."
