Tai Shan's Growth and Development

Hi, Everybody

I have more detail about growth and develoment of Giant panda cub, just saw it in http://nationalzoo.si.edu. It's interesting knowledge for look forward to following growth and development stages of Thai panda cub. Hope you enjoy it and congratulation with Giant panda,Tai Shanon 4th Happy Birthday.

**** 4Th Happy Birthday ****

Tai Shan (Chinese: 泰山; pinyin: Tài Shān, pronounced [tʰâiʂán]), also known as Butterstick) is a giant panda born at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park (National Zoo) in Washington, D.C on July 9, 2005 at 3:41 AM.[2] He is the first panda cub born at the National Zoo to survive for more than a few days and is only the third to survive in the United States.

Growth and Development : Tai Shan was born July 9, 2005.

24 Days later
August 2 , 2005 Weight: 1.82 pounds, Total length: 12 inches.

30 Days
August 8, 2005 Weight: 2.6 pounds, Total Lengths: 14 1/4 inches,
Head: 4 inches, Body: 8 1/4 inches, Tail: 2 inches, Chest girth: 10 inches, Abdominal girth: 10 1/2 inches.

40 Days
August 18, 2005 Weight: 4.2 pounds, Lengths Total: 17 inches, Head: 5 3/4 inches, Body: 9 1/4 inches, Tail: 2 inches, Chest girth:12 inches, Abdominal girth: 13 inches.

52 Days
August 30, 2005 Weight: 6.2 pounds, Body length:10 inches, Chest girth:13 inches,
Abdominal girth:13 3/4 inches, Neck girth: 8 3/4 inches.

61 Days
September 8, 2005 Weight: 7.5 pounds, Lengths Total: 21 1/4 inches, Body: 12 inches,
Head: 7 inches, Tail: 2 1/4 inches, Chest girth: 14 inches, Abdominal girth: 15 inches, Neck girth: 9 1/8 inches.

72 Days
September 19 , 2005 Weight: 9.6 pounds, Lengths Total: 22.5 inches, Body: 13 inches,
Head: 7 inches, Chest girth: 15 3/4 inches, Abdominal girth: 18 inches, Neck girth: 11 inches.

83 Days
September 30, 2005 Weight: 11.1 pounds, Lengths Total: 24.7 inches, Body: 15 inches,
Head: 7.5 inches, Chest girth: 16.5 inches, Abdominal girth: 18.5 inches, Neck girth: 10.4 inches.

95 Days
October 12, 2005 Weight: 12.7 pounds, Lengths Total: 25.5 inches, Body: 15.7 inches,
Head: 7.9 inches, Chest girth: 16.5 inches, Abdominal girth: 19.3 inches, Neck girth: 12.6 inches.

104 Days
October 21, 2005 Weight: 14.1 pounds, Lengths Total: 27.1 inches, Body: 16.1 inches,
Head: 8.8 inches, Chest girth: 18.1 inches, Abdominal girth: 18.9 inches, Neck girth: 11.4 inches.

114 Days
October 31, 2005 Weight: 15.5 pounds, Lengths Total: 28.5 inches, Body: 16.5 inches,
Head: 10.2 inches, Chest girth: 16.9 inches, Abdominal girth: 18.7 inches, Neck girth:
11.4 inches.

124 Days
November 10, 2005 Weight: 17.2 pounds, Lengths Total: 28.6 inches, Body: 16.5 inches, Head: 10.2 inches, Chest girth: 18.9 inches, Abdominal girth: 19.3 inches,
Neck girth: 12.2 inches.

135 Days
November 21, 2005 Weight: 19.2 pounds, Lengths Total: 31.2 inches, Body: 18.5 inches, Head: 10.2 inches, Chest girth: 18.1 inches, Abdominal girth: 20.9 inches,
Neck girth: 12.6 inches

157 Days
December 13, 2005 Weight: 23.3 pounds, Lengths Total: 36.6 inches, Body: 23.6 Inches, Head: 10.2 inches, Chest girth: 19.3 inches, Abdominal girth: too much squirming to measure, Neck girth: 13.8 inches.

186 Days
January 11, 2006 Weight: 28 pounds, Lengths Total: 37 inches, Body: 22.4 inches,
Head: 11.8 inches, Chest girth: 20.1 inches, Abdominal girth: 24.8 inches, Neck girth: 14.2 inches.

248 Days
March 14, 2006 Weight: 38 pounds, Lengths Total: 44.4 inches, Body: 26.3 inches,
Head: 13.8 inches, Chest girth: 22.4 inches, Abdominal girth: 28 inches, Neck girth: 16.1 inches.

July 4,2006 (nearly 1 year)

October 21, 2006

September 14, 2007

Growth and development after March 14, 2006 - June 2009

Weight unit: pounds

Growth and Development of Giant Panda Cubs: A Timeline

At birth

A newborn panda is born pink, covered in sparse, short white hairs. It weighs three to five ounces, and is about seven inches long, including a proportionately long tail. Its eyes are shut tightly. It cries loudly and often.

Days old

The cub's limbs are weak—it will be several weeks before it can crawl. It continues to vocalize, to communicate its needs and strengthen the relationship with its mother. The cub spends its days sleeping and suckling often. At about a week old, black patches appear on the skin around the eyes, ears, shoulders, and legs. Black hair will grow in these areas in a couple of weeks. The mother frequently licks the cub to stimulate urination and defecation and to clean the cub.

One to two months old

After about a month, the cub resembles a miniature adult with a longer tail. It vocalizes less and less until it ceases crying and squealing by the time it is two months old. Its eyes open partway after 30 to 45 days and open fully a week or two later.

The mother may not leave to eat bamboo until her baby is three or four weeks old. By this time, the baby can better regulate its body temperature and does not require constant contact with its mother to stay warm. Mother has been staying busy providing the cub with high-fat milk. It may grow to ten times its birth weight in five to six weeks. At two months, it suckles three to four times a day.

Three to four months old

The cub can stand and walk a few steps after about 75 to 80 days. At about this time, teeth begin to erupt. The order in which they appear varies from one panda to another. Its eyesight improves, and its hearing becomes more acute. It suckles two to three times a day. At four months old, the cub is active, running several steps at a time and climbing up on its mother's back to play.

Five months to one year old

At five months, the cub trots behind its mother, mimics her while she eats bamboo, and climbs trees. It may sit in a tree by itself for hours. At six months, it has 26 to 28 teeth and begins to eat solids. It will have deciduous teeth at one year of age, and its permanent teeth will start to erupt at this age. It suckles only once or twice a day. It may continue to suckle at eight or nine months old. By age one, it may weigh 50 to 60 pounds.

One and a half years old

In the wild, the cub leaves its mother at one and a half to two years of age.