Laying this one must have been eggscruciating! The hen's egg eight times heavier than normal


Eggstatic: The giant egg laid by Jeremy Paget's hen, Hattie

For a free-range hen who just laid an egg more than eight times heavier than normal, Hattie the hen seems remarkably unruffled.

The egg weighs a hefty 5.7oz, is three and a half inches long and eight inches in circumference.

Hattie’s owner Jeremy Paget, 50, who has been rearing his nine chickens for only six months, said of Thursday’s find:

‘My wife brought it in to me and asked me to close my eyes and said, “I’ve got a present for you”. We were absolutely gobsmacked.’

He now plans to use the egg to make an enormous omelette.

The financial consultant, of Four Marks, Hampshire, said Hattie did not seem particularly concerned afterwards.

It's not the first time recently that a chicken has laid an enormous or strangely shaped egg.

Last summer Harriet the hen laid an egg 4.5 inches long with a 9.1-inch circumference - both measurements half an inch longer than the previous record holder.

Whoa! Did that really just come out of me? Hattie inspects what she's laid

In Newquay last autumn a hotel chef preparing breakfast was left shell-shocked today after discovering a perfectly round egg, a billion-to-one discovery.

Hens' eggs are usually 2.3 inches long and have a circumference of 5.5 inches.
The heaviest hen’s egg on record so far weighed an astonishing 16oz.

source : dailymail