Sign him up, Fabio! The cockerel with dazzling football skills

By Daily Mail Reporter

Cock and ball: Two Chinese cockerels have become the toast of the town after putting on a mock World Cup match

To call England's World Cup campaign a success is nothing more than a cock and bull story, one even to rival that of Zhang Lijun in China.

The keen football fan has spent the last three years training her pet cockerels in the fine art of the beautiful game.

There is an argument to suggest her feathered friends could have done a better job than Fabio Capello's men.

Under orders: The cockerels have been trained since 2007 by Zhang Lijun

Acting as a referee, Shenyang resident Lijun directed her cockerels in a mock World Cup match on the streets in the Liaoning Province of China.

Using both their feet and their wings, the cockerel's chased after the ball, even throwing in a couple of tricks and flicks along the way.

China didn't qualify for the Finals in South Africa but are part of an improving quality of football in Asia.

On the ball: One of the birds showed that sort of threat in the air that was England's defenders lacked

Over the top: Both cockerels were surprisingly adept at controlling the ball

source: dailymail