A teenager needed 51 stitches after a 4ft-long barracuda leapt out of the sea and latched on to her arm.
Koral Wira was sitting on her family’s yacht when the fish sunk its razor-like teeth into her ‘like something out of Jaws’.
Her father Rob Parker had been fishing for sharks near Venice, Florida, when the barracuda took his bait and ‘flew across the boat like a bullet’.

He said: ‘The fish took my shark bait but then jumped out of the water, right at my daughter.
‘I killed it with a fillet knife by stabbing it in the head — before it killed one of us.’
The barracuda reportedly jumped more than a metre out of the water to bite Koral, 14, who had been sitting in a shaded spot on the boat feeling seasick.

Her mother Dina said the attack left her arm ‘looking like a raw hamburger’.
‘It was like something out of Jaws — it was that scary,’ she said.
‘We'll never go back out there again.’

Barracudas have trap-like jaws. However, despite their fearsome appearance and razor-sharp teeth, there have been fewer than 25 reported attacks in the past 100 years.
Barracudas are found in tropical waters worldwide, including in Australia.
source: dailymail