A family were shocked when they returned home from a holiday to Spain and found a deadly scorpion hiding in their suitcase.
Hollie Jayes, 18, found the Deathstalker scorpion - the second most poisonous species in the world - crawling inside her mother’s luggage at their home in Skegness, Lincolnshire.
Theresa Jayes, 43, had emptied the suitcase of her clothes and left it in her bedroom without noticing the 10cm-long (four-inch) creepy crawly inside.
It was only when her travel agent daughter went to borrow her mother's suitcase for a trip to see a friend on Saturday that the creature was discovered.

'I thought it was a spider so I screamed and slammed the case shut.
'After I calmed down, me and my friend picked up a coat hanger and opened the case and we realised it was a scorpion.
'We both screamed and slammed the case shut and threw it into the bathroom, there was a lot of shouting and shaking.
'I called my dad and shoute
'When him and my mum came home, we straightened out the coat hanger and nudged open the case and they saw it and jumped as well.
'My dad threw the case into the garden and for some reason my mum decided the best thing to do was call London Zoo.
'They said they couldn’t do anything, so eventually we called the RSPCA and they came and picked it up. They told us eventually it was called a Deathstalker.
'I was terrified when I opened the case, I’ve never seen a scorpion before.
'The RSPCA gave us the case back and told us to make sure it hadn’t laid any eggs in it.'
Mrs Jayes, who sells window blinds, added: 'My husband was at the fish counter in Morrisons buying some mussels and he got a phone call from two girls screaming about a scorpion.
'He said to me "we can’t go home, there’s a scorpion in the house" and laughed because we thought it must be an earwig or something.
'When we got home we found my son David stood on the landing with an empty wine bottle ready to bop it on the head if needs be.
'When we saw it we were quite naive because we thought it must be some common thing, not dangerous, but it turns out it’s the second most deadly in the world and there’s no anti-venom in this country.
'It’s quite scary to think back - I put my hand in that case 20 or 30 times while unpacking, I must have been so close to it.'
source: dailymail