Orphans of the storm: Baby birds latest victims of bad weather after they are blown from their nests


These baby birds were orphaned after being blown from their nests during high winds and rain in the Chiltern Hills

These baby birds have become the latest victims of the UK's storm.
All the birds were orphaned after being blown from their nests during high winds and rain in the Chiltern Hills over the weekend.
The orphans two red kite chicks, three kestrel chicks, a wren, a warbler and a long tailed tit, are recovering at Tiggywinkles wildlife hospital in Buckinghamshire.
Les Stocker founder of Tiggywinkles said: 'Our nursery is certainly filling up as some of the patients are big birds of prey.
'I'm always worried in case nobody finds these storm orphans as they would perish with starvation and hypothermia.
'They have all been warmed up and feed and will be released back into the wild once they can look after themselves.'

Helpless and homeless: The chicks are recovering at Tiggywinkles wildlife hospital in Buckinghamshire

The orphaned red kite chicks at Tiggywinkles wildlife hospital in Buckinghamshire

Les Stocker founder of Tiggywinkles said: 'Our nursery is certainly filling up'

Looking for a new home: Two of the little birds orphaned in the storms

source: dailymail