She has been a loyal customer for two years.
And now Dizzy the duck has started taking her brood of 12 ducklings along with her when she makes her daily visit to a city centre deli.
The family has become a hit with both customers and staff at the Hairy Fig deli, next to the Merchant Adventurers Hall in York.
The mother duck, who recently hatched a clutch of ducklings, often arrives at the eatery at the break of dawn. Once there, she and her brood patiently wait for the Hairy Fig to open, at which point they are fed.
Deli owner Sue Hardie said that when Dizzy first started coming to the deli, she used to walk into the shop.
But now, after a little training, she sits outside and waits for her food.

Ms Hardie said: "Dizzy is a loner and gets chased by geese, but she knows she is well fed and looked after here.
'She waits for me outside the shop before we open.
'She used to walk into the shop to be fed every morning but we had to put a stop to that.'
source: dailymail