Given the recent popularity of a YouTube video, it seems that people do think it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
A video of a baby girl being punched by her family's pet cat has turned into an internet sensation, and since she appears to be fine at the end, it's still all fun and games.
The clip shows a little girl, who appears to be between the ages of one and two years old, sitting in her high chair petting the cat who sits on the tray in front of her.
The girl gets excited and starts to wave her hands up and down, and the cat does the same with his paw- but with a bit more strength.
The cat then lifts its left paw and strikes the girl. At first, it's a timid push on her arm and then its several repeated whacks towards her face.
The man filming the incident then starts laughing and shoos the cat before it jumps off the baby's chair.
As a description of the video, YouTube user ccparker18 writes: 'The cat takes exception to the playful baby, and sucker punches her half a dozen times. She was a little stunned, but survived.'
Though it only lasts 14 seconds, over 89,000 people have watched the video.
The clip was first uploaded in November 2009, but really only went viral in the past few months.
Presumably hoping to have the same success with his first video, the same YouTube user uploaded a second video yesterday of a group of children dressed up and performing like the Blues Brothers, a group made popular in the early Eighties, well before the children in question were born.
source: dailymail