Bored girlfriend who only took up fishing to spend more time with her man smashes his record catch with a 215lb catfish


Delight! Alexa Turness, 28, pictured holding the huge fish she hooked while on holiday in Spain after battling to reel it in for half an hour. It was later released back into the water

When you go on holiday with your long-time angling boyfriend it is perhaps not a good idea to show him up.

But Alexa Turness managed it in dramatic style when she became a record holder after reeling in a 215lbs catfish.

She managed to outdo boyfriend Kim Hamilton who could only muster a fish weighing 189lbs.

The 28-year-old, who only took up fishing to see more of her boyfriend, hooked the catch while on holiday in Spain after battling to reel it in for half an hour.

Whopper: Alexa with the fish which was more than 1.5 times her weight and at 8ft 4in, stretched longer than her entire body

The catfish was more than 1.5 times her weight and at 8ft 4in, stretched longer than the length of her body.

It was so big her boyfriend and tour guides feared she might get dragged into the river, and stood guard to catch her as she reeled it in.

Heave! The fish was so big Alexa's boyfriend and tour guides feared she might get dragged into the river, and stood guard to catch her as she reeled it in, pictured

It is the biggest freshwater fish ever caught by a British woman anywhere in the world and beat the previous record by just one pound.

The pair were spending a week with Catfish Tours on the River Segre in northern Spain and caught the fish on the third day.

Record breaker: The fish is the biggest freshwater fish ever caught by a British woman in the world. Miss Turness outdid boyfriend Kim Hamilton, pictured, who could only muster a fish weighing 189lbs during the trip

'All we could say was 'fish, fish, fish' and of course it was Lex's turn on the rod - just luck of the draw. The fish was going mental, the drag was as tight as it could be without causing a problem.

'We were all stood around Lex ready to catch her in case the monster pulled her in.
'It was an amazing, crazy night, but now I have to accept that my missus has a bigger one than me - and that's hard to take.'

source: dailymail