Reunited at last: Missing dog turns up 750 MILES from home after owners track down pet thanks to microchip under animal's skin


Reunited: Sharalyn Cooper hugs her dog Fadidle at the airport in Salt Lake City

A miniature pinscher who went missing was finally rescued after showing up more than 750 miles from her home.

It had been eight months since Sharalyn Cooper, from Salt Lake City, Utah, last saw two-year-old Fadidle - in which time the tiny dog had managed to travel across two states to San Diego, California.

The loving owner was finally reunited with her pet at Salt Lake International Airport this weekend, after Fadidle was handed in to San Diego Humane Society as a stray.

Safe at last: Fadidle travelled more than 750 miles from Utah to California before being located via the dog's microchip

The animal shelter placed the dog on a stray hold but, thanks to a microchip implanted under her skin, they were able to link her back to her owners in Utah, the Dereset News reported.

'It's wonderful,' said a delighted Mrs Cooper clutching the tiny, quivering dog to her bosom, her eyes streaming with tears of joy. She noted that Fadidle looked a bit skinnier than when she had left.

'She's just a little tiny thing. We're just happy they found her. It was definitely a long wait,' she added.

An Incredible Journey: Fadidle was only returned to her family thanks to an ID microchip implanted under her skin

San Diego Humane Society worker Athena Davis, who brought Fadidle to the reunion, told how the dog was taken to them by a 'Good Samaritan'.

It was only when they discovered her microchip that they learned just how far she had managed to travel.

Happy ending: Salt Lake International Airport, where Fadidle and her family were finally reunited

source: dailymail