I was only trying to jump over the moon! Cow freed after getting his head stuck in a LADDER


Stunned: The Belgian Blue bullock was spotted by a member of the public who alerted animal rescue workers - who thought it was a hoax call

Animal welfare experts were stunned when they arrived at a farm to find a cow with its head stuck in a ladder.

The Belgian Blue bullock was spotted awkwardly walking around the field by a member of the public who alerted animal rescue workers - who thought it was a hoax.

The rescue team were amazed to find the confused animal with a set of steps around its neck in Troon, Ayrshire.

Confused: Passersby were amazed to find the animal wandering around the field in Troon, Ayrshire, with a ladder around its neck

They contacted the farmer who arranged for the rest of the herd to be put into a pen while they gently pulled the ladder free from its head.

Inspector Kerry Kirkpatrick, from the Scottish SPCA, said: 'When the job came through my first thought was that this was a wind-up.

'But I arrived at the field to find the cow looking confused but surprisingly calm despite having his head wedged tightly in between the rungs of the ladder.

'The farmer had no idea how the ladder ended up in his field as he only recently took on the lease for the land.

'It may have been used to patch up a hole in the fence or it could have fallen off a passing van or lorry. Either way, it's a rescue I won't forget in a while!'

source: dailymail