Could man get a new best friend? Llamas who think they are dogs and have learned how to fetch come top of obedience class


Don't be a-llama-ed: One of the Terri's pets performing a trick

Seven loopy llamas - and an alpaca called Banksy - have started to think they're dogs after coming top of the class in obedience lessons.

The pack have stunned their owners by learning how to fetch, roll over, sit and complete a doggy assault course.

Tim and Terri Crowfoot had heard llamas are incredibly intelligent but never thought they could teach the pack to stay.

Obedient: Terri with one of her pets, that thinks it is a dog

The couple, from Droxford, Southampton, have now grown used to the strange looks they get from neighbours when they take their pets out for walkies.

Terri, 65, said: 'We only intended to get the llamas as company for my old shire horse, Thumper.

Going for walkies: Terri puts her pet through its paces

'We knew llamas were intelligent, so we thought we'd try to teach them to sit and stay - the same as a dog.

'We never expected how well they'd take to the obedience lessons though - and they were doing more and more every day.

'They love playing fetch - their little faces just light up.

'Our friends think it's hilarious - but as long as the llamas are happy and having fun, then so are we.

'We wouldn't swap them for anything.'

The llamas can can complete an assault course of jumps, finishing by running up to a bell and ringing it.

source: dailymail