Motorists stared in astonishment as a car shot past them at high speed - with a parrot clinging to the windscreen wipers.
If they missed the incident, there was time to catch up because the owner of the pet parrot posted videos of the high-speed prank on YouTube - and brought police knocking on his door.
Justin Lawther, 38, is understood to have confirmed to police that he was the driver who set out from his Melbourne home and sped along a city motorway with the parrot clinging to the wiper blades.

Now Mr Lawther faces possible criminal charges, despite declaring that 'every bird should feel the wind through their feathers'.

In the YouTube video the green pet parrot is seen clinging to the wiper blades as the car speeds along the motorway, before the vehicle brakes sharply in an emergency lane.
Another video shows the driver switching on the windscreen wipers which begin sweeping back and forth with the parrot clinging to one of them.

'Lighten up,' Mr Lawther has told his critics. The videos, he said, were 'to put some smiles on faces.'
But RSPCA spokesman Greg Boland was not amused, saying: 'This guy is an absolute idiot.'
He said he had previously warned the driver that he could face severe penalties under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
A police spokesman said it was 'a stupid thing to do' on a busy motorway.
source: dailymail