The swan who has fallen in love… with a tractor


The eight-year-old swan, called Schwani, has become very attached to a tractor

At least they can both claim to be outdoorsy types.

This swan appeared to be thinking outside the pond when it came to finding a soulmate - and fell for a shining blue tractor.

In the grounds of a hotel in Germany, an eight-year-old swan called Schwani has become somewhat infatuated with a farmyard machine.

Every time the tractor's engine roars into life, the swan, who lives in the grounds of a hotel in Germany, waddles over to say hello

The hotelier, Herman Josef Hericks, says Schwani just can't get enough of his mechanical companion - every time the tractor's engine roars into life, the swan waddles over to say hello.

Some have reasoned that it may be because Schwani was exposed to loud machines from a young age.

Mr Hericks told told the German newspaper Bild: 'Ever since we bought the tractor three years ago, Schwani has been following it everywhere it goes.'

There must be something in the water in the German region - a few years ago a female called Petra reportedly fell in love with a pedalo shaped like a swan.

source: dailymail