We're the bees' knees! Staff at China bee farm are covered in thousands of insects as part of show


Making a bee-line: Yang Chuanquan, chairman of the Nanning Quanjian Bee Farm, waves to the crowd as the swarm of bees buzzes around him

This looks like it could have more than one sting in the tail as two staff at a China bee farm put on a show.

Yang Chuanquan, the chairman of the board at Nanning Quanjian Bee Farm, is pictured with a colleague covered head to toe in honey bees.

The smiling pair seem unperturbed by their buzzing buddies as they performed in Nanning, capital of southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Tens of thousands of the bees were poured on to the pair by other staff apart from a small opening over their faces.

It is unclear whether bits of honeycomb or nectar was used to entice the little insects to remain on the two workers, but they are not believed to have been stung.

Creating a buzz: The two members of staff smile for the camera as the industrious insects cover their entire bodies

Attraction: The bees were 'poured' on to the two people by other staff, but is is unclear if they had honeycomb or nectar to entice the insects to stay

source: dailymail