A pancake tortoise is seen at the Oakland Zoo Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010, in Oakland, Calif. The zoo welcomes three new pancake tortoises, one male and two females, who are named Flapjack, Maple, and Mrs. Butterworth. The male is twenty-three years old, one female is sixteen years old, and Maple is three years old. The pancakes came from the Bronx Zoo in New York on August 10, 2010.

An African elephant blows dirt on itself to aid in protection from the sun at the Oakland Zoo Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010, in Oakland, Calif. The Bay area has endured a heat wave this week, with temperatures into the 90's.

A group of meercats stand at attention at the Oakland Zoo Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010, in Oakland, Calif.
photo: AP