The boxing kangaroo has become a metaphor for Australia's fighting spirit and prowess on the sporting field.
But this young wallaby showed a decided lack of punch when it came to defending his dinner from two pesky moorhens.
The birds quickly showed the shy swamp wallaby who ruled the roost, after the marsupial invaded their territory at a wildlife park on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia.
The wallaby only got a few bites at the food before the moorhens took flight and started a fight.
At first they went eyeball to eyeball, then the wallaby adopted a boxing pose to show who had the upper hand.

But the wallaby was soon outnumbered in the food fight, when the moorhens spread their wings and sunk their claw-like feet in.
The defeated wallaby hopped it, leaving the victorious moorhens to their tucker.

source : dailymail