They look like tiny toys you'd find in a Christmas cracker - but these incredible silver beetles are the real deal
The shell of extraordinary futuristic-looking creatures, which measure around an inch in length, dazzles in the stunning metallic colour.
And, with their feet a snazzy purple, they make for an extraordinary sight.

The funny-looking beetles were snapped by professional photographer Roland Seitre in the mountain region of Costa Rica, Central America.
The 52-year-old, who lives in France, said he had seen the bizarre bug as a specimen in a museum before but had never spotted them in the wild.
He explained: 'It was astonishing - their pure metallic colour made them look like a toy or something from outer space.

'I spotted them one evening as they were drawn to a light I had turned on and I was lucky enough to get a photograph of them the next day.'
He added: 'They're an interesting species, I don't know how they got their incredible colour.
'There are others that are metallic green, some that are white like porcelain and one variety is even golden in colour.
'I've seen a species on display in a museum once but before going to Costa Rica I had not seen any in the wild.
'I was incredibly happy that I had the opportunity to see and photograph them.'
source :dailymail