Oh deer! Stag rescued by firefighters after getting its antlers caught in a child's rope swing

By Daily Mail Reporter

The stag stands with its antlers entangled in a rope swing in woods near Hook, Hampshire

Firefighters were faced with a knotty problem when they were called to woods to rescue this stag in a rather embarrassing predicament.

The deer had managed to get its antlers well and truly entangled in the rope from a child's swing and he was most certainly NOT happy.

A fireman used a long pole to place a towel over the stag's eyes to calm down the animal which was throwing itself around in a distressed state and becoming even more tied up.

When the animal had calmed an RSPCA chief inspector John Harrod, assisted by fire service watch manager Colin Harwood was able to cut the rope, allowing the stag to walk off uninjured into the woodland near Hook, Hampshire.

RSPCA inspector Sara Jordan had called in help from the Hampshire fire service which scrambled its animal rescue officers to the scene last week.

A fireman tries to place a towel over the stag's head with a long pole to calm the animal down

Ms Jordan said: 'This was a fairly dangerous rescue for everybody concerned as the stag was full grown and his antlers could have been lethal.

'He was also kicking out and could well have injured himself or even broken his neck, so the teamwork of the RSPCA and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service was vital for the animal's safe release.

'The rope swing was probably intended for child's play but rescuing a stag that got accidentally caught in it was anything but.'

She added that the rope swing was then cut down to prevent other wild animals becoming caught up in it again.

A member of Hampshire fire service's animal rescue team and an RSPCA officer free the stag, which was unharmed

source: dailymail