Ewok alert! Buba the fluffy bear cub plays peekaboo in Switzerland

By Mail Foreign Service

Take me to Lea! Buba the bear cub balances on two legs as she peeks out from her cave at Juraparc in Switzerland yesterday

She's about the right height, fluffy, and has a startling look of lively intelligence in her eyes.

But this is no Ewok leaping to life from a George Lucas film - she's Buba the bear cub, poking her head out to greet visitors from her cave in Juraparc, Switzerland

Oof, sorry Mum: Buba clambers about the cave entrance, left. Right, her doppelganger from the Star Wars films

At barely four months old, this is Buba and her sibling Boby's first spring.

The curious pair could be seen toddling about the park with their mother Urisna yesterday, getting their first whiff of the summer to come.

The Juraparc of Mont-d'Orzieres near Vallorbe, Switzerland, was once a pasture-ground traditionally used for horse and sheep.

Where's the snow gone? Buba's mother Ursina watches sceptically as her baby gets a whiff of spring

Curiouser and curiouser: The two cubs were enjoying being out in the sunshine and warm weather

Fluffy handful: Buba and her sibling Boby play as Ursina watches

Now it is a breeding ground for bison, wolves and, of course, bears, who live in half liberty in the grounds of the state park.

Ursina, originally from Croatia, joined the park in 2002. She also gave birth to three cubs in 2007 - Sava, Tara and Kupa - after mating with Georges, another Croatian bear in the park.

The site is touted as the only place in Switzerland where bears and wolves can be seen living in harmony.

Visitors can view the animals from a 400-metre long observation deck that winds through the park.

The two cubs were born in January of this year

source :dailymail