Spot the dog! Moment a Crufts owner let the show go to her head

By Daily Mail Reporter

Who says I'm barking? The owner sits alongside her pet at Crufts

We've heard of hair of the dog but this owner looked seriously ruff as she took a break from the action at this week's Crufts show.

She was caught in this brilliant photo as she sat back... and her prize pet took a step forward to grab the limelight.

The pair were among thousands of entries at the show at Birmingham's NEC.

Best friend: Charlotte Guest takes the chance to have a nap with her beloved collie

In the dog house: A youngster takes a breather in the pens at Crufts

Preparing for the biggest dog event of the year must be a huge pressure for the canines.

So is it any wonder that owners of the pampered pooches arriving at the Crufts Dog Show 2010 at Birmingham's NEC ensured their beloved dogs arrived in the most luxurious method of transport possible.

Peeking out from the comfort of their pink doggie buggy, three Shih Tzus seem entirely unaware of their privileged upbringing as they arrive at the event

A couple pushes a pram containing three Shih Tzus as they arrive for the first day of the Crufts Dog Show in Birmingham

The Shih Tzus peer out of the pram as they arrive at the world-famous event

However, the price of privilege is certainly not cheap.

The specialist prams, made by designer pet shop Pet London, retail for a staggering £129.99 and also come in blue for more macho pooches.

They come complete with a removable snack tray with dual cup holders and are 'great for all small animals such as dogs, cats & rabbits', according to the store's website.

Another dedicated pet owner pushes her dog in a more masculine blue pram as they arrive for the four-day event

It's a slightly less comfortable ride for this dog, whose owner transports him to the event in a cage on wheels

During this year's four-day competition nearly 28,000 dogs and their owners will compete for a variety of awards, with the majority ultimately seeking the coveted 'Best In Show' prize.

However, this year's event had a shaky start, with animal rights protesters complaining that pedigree breeders are 'creating a Frankenstein's monster of a dog'.

Protesters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) gathered outside the National Exhibition Centre with banners bearing the slogan: 'Hitler Would Be Proud'.

The campaigners also displayed posters featuring a white Maltese dog, pictured with a black comb placed across its upper lip to make it look as if it has an Adolf Hitler-style moustache.

The posters were captioned: 'Master Race? Wrong for People. Wrong for Dogs. Boycott Breeders. Adopt!'

Dogs at the world-famous event showed off a variety of unusual pet accessories, including this colourful poncho

A Newfoundland wears a fun bib as it waits to go on show at Crufts

The group accused the Kennel Club, which runs Crufts, of promoting the breeding of dogs to achieve a 'pure bloodline' or 'master pedigree' at the cost of animals' health.

Spokeswoman Poorva Joshipura said: 'Whether you call it 'pedigree' or 'master race', the quest for pure bloodlines is the same thing - the false and dangerous belief that some breeds or races are superior to others.

'In the race to produce pure-bred dogs, breeders are moving unwittingly towards creating a Frankenstein's monster of a dog.

'The end result will be not only a more genetically impaired animal but also hundreds and hundreds more homeless animals put to death for the "crime" of being mutts.'

The demonstrations coincided with the publication of an open letter from the producer of a BBC documentary about health problems in pedigree dogs, accusing the Kennel Club of failing to take sufficient action on the issue.

The Kennel Club said it was 'committed to ensuring that every dog's life is as healthy and happy as it can be'.

Caroline Kisko, Communications Director, for the Kennel Club, added: 'We are very excited about this year's event, which will celebrate the unique relationship between dogs and their owners and the many ways that they mutually improve and touch each other's lives.'

source: dailymail