On reflection, I'm perfection: Swan gazes at himself in mirrored lake

By Daily Mail Reporter

The swan can't seem to tear its eyes away from its reflection on the lake in Glastonbury, Somerset

Mirror mirror on the lake, who's a particularly fine-looking bird?

That would be this beautiful swan, who appeared to be gazing at its snowy white reflection captured in the calm waters.

Gliding down a perfectly still body of water in Somerset, it poses for a dramatic portrait that doubly shows off its magnificent white feathers.

In stark contrast to the dark background of the shaded water around it, this photograph was taken on a man made body of water known in Somerset as a 'rhyne'.

Traditionally used to turn areas of wetland into useful pasture, this example in Shapwick Heath nature reserve near Glastonbury, provides a perfectly calm mirror for the graceful swan on a Spring morning.

Photographer Fran Stothard, 57, said: 'I was lucky with the woodland shading the water behind the swan which made a very dark background.

'I don't usually take photographs of swans because there are so many of them, but this one really stood out.'

source: dailymail