Keep your paws off Knut! Fury as animal rights group calls for celebrity polar bear's castration to prevent incest

By Mail Foreign Service

Bear cheek: Giovanna (top) looks down at Knut after he took a swim in their enclosure at Berlin's 'Zoologischer Garten'

The world's most famous polar bear Knut is facing calls for the removal of his 'family jewels'.

As though he hasn't been through enough in his short life - abandonned by his mother, separated from his beloved keeper, turning brown and then prolonged loneliness - now an animal rights group want Knut castrated to prevent incest.

PETA has warned that breeding between Knut and his cousin Giovanna would carry the risk of depression amongst offspring because both bears have the same grandfather.

The three-year-old darling of Berlin Zoo was given Giovanna as a female companion last year when she was flown in from Munich.

But Frank Albrecht, zoo expert for PETA Germany, said the organisation wanted to provoke Knut fans that have pressured Berlin Zoo officials to keep the couple together by saying Knut should be castrated.

'Fans have to accept the fact that Knut just has to be castrated and then there's nothing wrong with the couple staying together,' Albrecht said.

Browned off: Knut changed colour when he was two years old

Global fame: Knut appears to wave to his fans when he was just three months old as he lies beside his beloved keeper Thomas Doerflein

The suggestion to castrate Knut, who became famous around the world in 2006 when he was raised by a trainer after being rejected by his mother, angered fans of the three-year-old polar bear.

Albrecht said he received many calls, including one man saying he should castrate himself first.

He added that once he explained the reasoning behind his suggestion, most people calmed down.

Zoo officials have repeatedly said that Giovanna's stay in Berlin is only temporary, and that she will return to Munich this summer.

source: dailymail