The canine long jump competition that ends with a soggy doggy

By Luke Salkeld

One giant leap: Dash n' splash contests see dogs compete to jump the furthest distance

The competitors fly through the air with the greatest of ease before landing with a belly-flop in the water.

And they never stop wagging their tails.

Introducing the long jump for dogs - a sport which has been popular in the U.S. for years and is now gaining a pawhold in Britain

The event usually involves the animal's owner tossing a toy or tennis ball over a large pool of water. The dog runs up a 30ft ramp and launches itself into the air in the hope of catching it.

Whichever pet jumps the farthest wins the prize.

Rover the moon: The dogs take off through the air and land in the water to the amusement of the crowd

The current British record holder is Dash, a labrador-pointer cross from Newmarket, Suffolk, with a leap of 28ft - not far short of the 29ft 41/2 in human world record.

Last year up to 700 dogs at a time entered six 'Dash 'n' Splash' contests held across southern England, and more events are planned for this summer.

Splash landing: A competitor hits the water

The jumps are measured electronically and there is a supervisor in the 4ft-deep water to help the dog get out.

Organiser Anton Wittwer said: 'There is a lot of noise and kids love to sit right next to the pool because they get wet.

Spectator sport: Adults and kids alike love watching the dogs jump

'Cross breeds which have a retriever instinct and longer legs tend to make the best jumpers. Some dogs run straight into the water but most will do it while retrieving an article. The only thing that can go wrong is the dog changing its mind at the last moment and just falling in rather than jumping.'

source: dailymail