Wednesday, October 2, 2013

TWO Bigfoot 'moving beast' in Pennsylvania...


Bigfeet? This image, taken just two weeks ago near Bradford, Pennsylvania, is believed to show two of the mysterious creatures known as Bigfoot wandering through the woods

You wait years for a decent sighting of the legendary ape-like creature known as Bigfoot, and then two come along at once.
The fascinating photographs, taken just two weeks ago near Bradford, Pennsylvania, appear to show a pair of Bigfoots, or perhaps that should be Bigfeet, wandering through the trees.
Keen hiker John Stoneman claims he spotted the seven-foot-tall beasts just yards from a main road through trees in Kinzua State Park.

Apeman: A close up shows one of the 'beasts' spotted just yards from a main road through trees in Kinzua State Park

Mr Stoneman, 57, had been returning from the Kinzua Bridge Fall Festival with his girlfriend when the pair saw the mysterious shape moving in the forest.
He quickly grabbed his camera and fired off these shots as they slowed the car down and edged along the road.

Lurking: The fascinating photographs were taken by keen hiker John Stoneman who was on his way home with his girlfriend from a festival with his girlfriend when the pair spotted the mysterious shape moving in the forest

Evidence? The new photographs will fuel the debate on whether the legendary creature actually exists

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