Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bear strikes up unlikely friendship with a WOLF sharing dinner on several nights


Dinner for two: Each evening after a hard-day's hunting this pair of unlikely friends met for supper

Both are meant to be isolated hunters that strike fear into everything they meet.
But this male bear and female wolf clearly see the softer side in one another and eat dinner with one another.
Each evening after a hard-day's hunting this pair of unlikely friends could be seen sharing a romantic deer carcass meal together as the sun set over their wilderness home.

Rare pictures show how the young brown bear and grey wolf would sit down to eat together and even enjoy romantic views over the landscape for up to two-hours

The unlikely friends could be seen sharing a romantic deer carcass meal together as the sun set over their wilderness home

These best friends were spotted meeting up every night for ten days straight

Share with me! The predators would happily share their spoils with each other

Welcome to the club: The bears seemed to welcome the lone wolf into their company in Finland

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